In our 2024 Inspiration post, I said that we would be taking things day by day and ultimately trusting in His plan… and that is what we did. Though 2024 went differently than we both had thought- (I had anticipated that we would have sold our home right away and would’ve been farther along on building our home), the reality is things didn’t go as planned, but I am thankful for the extra time we have had in our home and the opportunities to create memories with one last Christmas holiday spent here.
I like to start each new year with intentions instead of resolutions. This way, I can intentionally make small steps every day towards a better self. Progress over perfection.
Going into 2025, which will officially mark Laine and Layne’s 10 year anniversary, I am intentionally aiming to share more personal connection and mirroring what creating a wholesome home means- It is all encompassing- it’s more than just making beautiful spaces, cooking nourishing meals, and loving your family well… it’s seeking His will and desires every day, it’s embracing change and learning to navigate through the harder days with peace and understanding, it’s evolving as life evolves, and it’s striving to make every aspect of your life beautiful. I truly believe that our surroundings inspire how we live our days… not just materialistically with how well our home is designed or organized, but emotionally as well like how we speak to our children, one another, (and ourselves), and how we inspire others.
Justin, thank you for walking through this journey and supporting my every dream… I love you with every fiber of my being and wouldn’t be where I am today without your constant encouragement.

As I look ahead to what this year holds, saying goodbye to the place we have called home for over 11 years, and building our new home, I prayerfully hope to embrace every new day with thankfulness.

- Time with God
- Prioritizing Health and Movement
- Outdoors
- Color
- Early Mornings
- Personal Connection
- Gardening
- Praying
- Reading
- Patience
- Criticism
- Worry & Anxiety
- Doubt
- Haste
- Comparison
- Being Stagnant
- Negativity
Happy New Year to each and every one of you! Justin and I are so grateful that you are all here and a part of our story!