Nature makes the best decor… it’s always amazing to me how a few clipped branches arranged in a vase can instantly bring a room to life.
Since I forage so often and use foraged branches and stems in our photos when styling, I thought I would share a few tips when foraging and also when creating an arrangement.

PS- a friend of mine found this vintage harvest basket for me, and I am obsessed. If you are looking for a garden harvest basket- I rounded up some favorites here.

Foraging Tips
- Use the PictureThis app if you are unsure about anything you are foraging (don’t forage poison ivy like we did)
- Choose branches and flowers of different thicknesses and leaf sizes
Arrangement Tips
- Use hot water in your vase
- Use double sided tape on the opening of your vase to create a grid to help your branches stand up and stay in place
- Start by separating your foraged branches into groups of likeness
- When arranging your branches and flowers in your vase, make sure they project up at least the same height as your vase (arrangements that are too small/short draw more attention to the vase than the arrangement itself)
- Start by arranging your fullest branches first, then fill in with your skinnier branches and flowers. Remember to rotate your vase as you work. Once you have most of your branches arranged, fill in any gaps with filler branches or flowers.

Check back here tomorrow, I will be sharing the arrangement and where I styled it. 🙂