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The LL Journal

Organization Products & A Checklist

January 10, 2020

Organization has been a hot topic so far in 2020, right?! From all of the organization emails from our favorite brands, and bloggers sharing their tips for a tidy and organized home… it has truly been inspiring to see so many organized pantries, closets, fridges… but also has a little like “holy crap we need to get our stuff in order…” our home needs some SERIOUS organization help and if you don’t believe us, just head over to our Instagram stories as we share a look into the areas we are going to be tackling- kind of shocking how much of a disarray some areas are! So while this topic may be talked about a lot right now, it is super relevant for us and we hope it is still relevant for some of you too!

Organization doesn’t have to mean completely overhauling your closet or certain area in your home. Organization can be as simple as using a tray or basket to corral items together so they are organized, unified, and look aesthetically pleasing.

Having a place for everything is nice in theory but unless there is a dedicated tray, drawer, basket, or something for certain products or food to go in to, it can be hard to keep things in their place.

Below, we have curated 24 helpful organization products- many of which we already own, and some of which we will be purchasing for the certain areas in our home that need organizing.

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Some helpful organization tips
  • Use baskets to store a variety of items- linens, produce, paper materials, toys, clothes, pillows and blankets…
  • Use plastic bins to store cleaning supplies under your kitchen sink or in closets and cabinets.
  • Keep your utensils organized and in order by using adjustable drawer dividers.
  • Minimize clutter in your refrigerator by tossing plastic packaging, egg cartons… and replacing with ceramic bowls.
  • Use plastic bins to store and separate your fresh veggies and meats.
  • Store your fresh berries in ceramic berry bowls or baskets.
  • Drink more water by making fresh water mixed with your favorite fruits or herbs and storing it in pretty carafes or pitchers. We like to add fresh mint and Meyer lemons to our water.
  • Use marble trays to hold your dish soaps, sponge and brushes, or olive oils, and other seasoning.
  • An expandable layered shelf is great for holding spices in your pantry.
  • Keep your clean dishes organized on the counter in this drying rack.
  • These drawer organizers are great for storing makeup, hair ties, toothbrush and pastes, and other small items.
  • These laundry baskets are great, especially for your kids to easily carry to and from the laundry room.

10 Day Checklist

Below are the areas in our home that we are going to start tackling this weekend! We are not following the checklist in any specific order… we plan to tackle the Master Closet first and the other areas to follow.

GETTING STARTED ON OUR CLOSET… Looking (err staring) at an area that needs major help can seem overwhelming… so don’t stare, just get started. Start with 4 large boxes- a keep box, a donate box, a trash box, and a maybe box. Go through everything and separate them in to the dedicated boxes… at the end, look through your maybe box and listen (ok, read) closely, if you haven’t worn/used it in 6+ months, you aren’t going to use it. Stop holding on to that item that “maybe I’ll wear this when…” or “I might use this one day…”, stop holding onto those items unless they hold sentimental value because the reality is, if you haven’t used it within the last 6 months, they are going to just sit in your home for next 6+ months.

We will be sharing all of the before areas with you on Instagram, progression as we clean out each space, and helpful tips along the way as we get ORGANIZED! Are you ready to tackle this 10 Day Checklist with us?! We would love for you to follow along and share your spaces and tips as well! Ok, deep breath… here we go!


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  1. […] For more kitchen and organization, read this post! […]


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